Chris' Legacy

Saturday June 9th we celebrated the life of Christopher Adams. Chris came into this world almost 33 years ago and passed away awaiting a double lung transplant at Mount Sanai Hospital in Toronto on May 19, 2007. Chris spent his lifetime facing many hurdles due to his body being inflicted with a rare disease called Chronic Granulomatous Disease.
I met Chris a few brief times during his short lifetime, but his spirit, his strength touched me despite our distant connection. My connection to Chris came through my relationship with his father, Walter Adams. Walter is an incredible friend, a strong and compassionate man whose family truly is the centre of his universe. Walter and his wife Marilyn have devoted their lives to the care of their sons and making sure that they had the best possible life, despite the challenges they faced.
Chris had an incredible attitude. The tributes at his memorial spoke of his strength, his courage and his passion for life despite the adversity he faced. Chris faced life with a passion that most of us never come close to having in our lifetime....he truly made the most out of every moment he was blessed with.
The sanctuary was overflowing at Chris' memorial. The tears flowed freely as did the love throughout the room. Evidence of Chris' ability to touch the lives of many through his life's journey was apparent in the heartfelt words, the resounding voices that sang and the spirit within the room. I am positive Chris was present with us in the sanctuary, basking in the love that was returned to him...the love and the life's lessons that he gave to others. Friends and family members spoke of his courage, his positive attitude and the true "fight" within his spirit. His attitude is truly one to be admired. Chris faced challenges that many of us will never have to face, yet he was blessed with the ability to truly LIVE each moment. They say that our true self is most present during times of adversity.....and Chris' true self was very remarkable. It is also said that we learn the most during our times of struggle and adversity, that it is those moments we look back upon and know that we were truly living life.....Chris must have learned a lot during his brief lifetime, but not only did he learn a lot more so he taught a lot.
So, as Chris passes on into the next branch of his journey....his tree here on Earth is fully grown....he leaves behind a true legacy. A legacy in the lives he touched. His legacy in knowing the importance of organ donation is very real....should Chris have received his double lung transplant he may have had a longer life's journey.....and there are many more like Chris awaiting a transplant.
The importance of organ donation touches me on a level far deeper than my connection to Chris. As a recipient of a corneal transplant in my left eye....the gift of sight.....I am truly blessed by someone's gift. I await a transplant in my right eye and will once again be blessed by another's gift. The gift of knowing that my life can be enhanced, that my vision may be saved, because of another person cannot be justly put into words. I will never be able to repay my donor, other than by graciously appreciating the blessing of their gift. But what I can do for Chris, and for my donor/s, is encourage all those who read this entry to register as an organ donor. Take the few moments of time to save a life, to enhance the life of another.......and please, do it today. Let Chris' legacy live on ~ give the greatest gift of all and encourage all those in your life to do so.
In BC alone (as published in the Richmond News on June 5, 2007) ~
~There is a chronic shortage of hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers
~More than 400 people await organ transplants in BC, with hundreds more awaiting cornea
~Approximately one in three organs that could be available for transplant is lost because family
members do not know the wishes of their loved ones
~Only 15 percent of BC residents are registered as organ donors
~Since January 1986, more than 3000 organ transplant procedures have been performed in BC
Register today.......