Friday, November 30, 2007

A Year Ago....

I received an incredible gift....the gift of sight.

Today marks one year since my first corneal transplant. My heart and mind are full of mixed emotions as I process the significance of today....and reflect upon this past year.

What a year it has been....filled with so many many blessings and challenges.

I think back to a year thoughts filled with mixed emotions as I faced the transplant. How I felt incredibly blessed, and in some ways undeserving, to receive such a gift. And how I was also filled with fear that the transplant would change who I am....change my vision. I was given the gift of the words, the message, my heart and mind needed to hear. With those words and the love and support of many I faced my fears and accepted this gracious gift.

I replay in my mind the process of the transplant itself. One of the most challenging experiences I have ever faced....certainly not something I'd ever wish upon someone. Yet, it was all worth it....for the gift of sight...of knowing that I have the possibility, and at this point reality, of functional sight! :) Yes, to receive that gift I'd face almost anything.

This mom will be able to see her beautiful children grow see them all experience their see them delight in not only hear them make music, but to see them as well. I am able to see my five year old daughter's beautiful pieces of artwork and to see her learn to tie her shoes. I have the ability to see my sons grow and develop into fine young men. Yes....what a blessing sight is. I can marvel at the fullness of the moon, the magnificent colours of a sunset, the changing of seasons, the majestic mountains, the smiles on the faces of loved experience the world visually is such an incredible my heart truly realizes how very much so.

Today I reflect upon this gift and how it has come into my life....through the loss, the passing, of another. As I embrace my gift of sight and celebrate one year since receiving this gift there is a family out there that is grieving the loss of their loved one...their loved one who gave this incredible gift. I hope that there is some sense of peace in their hearts knowing how their loved one lives on not only in their hearts and memories, but also through their gift to another. I embrace, I accept, this gift wholeheartedly....I will embrace each blessing, each moment and treasure them.....I will live each day fully to honour the one who gave me this incredible gift.

Jack....a year ago you spoke the words to me to allow me to embrace this told me that the essence of my being wouldn't change.....that my vision from deep within me would remain the same. Sure some things might shift....but I'd still be who I was created to be. darling were I sit here the same person at the core of my being...the essence of who I am is the same, although my vision has changed somewhat. It has broadened....I see the world through a greater light because of this gift. I see the blessings far more clearly, even on the darkest of my days.....and yes, I have been blessed beyond measure.

Not only has this past year been about physical has been about growth of my internal vision. It has been a year of growth, change and taking some "giant leaps"....leaps of faith!

I have been incredibly blessed by the presence of some very significant people who have shared my journey. The depth of my friendship and relationship with these people has grown immensely. I have experienced love beyond measure, support like I have never felt before....I have been understood on a level I didn't think possible.....and I have felt the blessing of knowing that there are people in my life who will share all of my journey....that I am not alone. I have been given the gift of hope that it is possible to open up my trust....and yes, to need accept the gift of support and love from others. As I think of these special people who have walked alongside me on my journey, who have loved me as I am today and who have allowed me to feel safe within their support ~ my heart is full, my eyes fill with tears at realization of these incredible blessings in my life. I am so blessed to have such love in my life....and to be able to see it.

To the one who gave me this gift.....I promise you I will treasure it all the days of my life and when my time comes I will "pay it forward"....I will pass on this gift so that another can experience this incredible blessing.

And to the family and friends who bless my life.....I love you all so much. Thank you for enriching my life beyond measure.....for helping me see so clearly.

And to all who read this.....take each day, each moment, as a blessing....treasure the gift of life.....embrace life and all it has to offer....don't wait for it wholehearted, laugh richly, speak the unspoken words, experience life fully.....and be so incredibly thankful for the many blessings in your life. And yes ~ "pay it forward".....each blessing in your life, each it forward so that all may be touched by the gifts life has to offer.


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