Dancing In the Rain

Wow....it has been quite a while since I last tapped away at these keys pouring my heart and mind out to you, my dear friends. And yes, I suppose in many ways I have been distracted by learning to dance in the rain.
The other day, my inbox contained one of those frequently shared messages that fill the world of cyberspace. And it happened to be one of those messages that "hit home". It was about attitude and what I loved about the message was the final quote ~ "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....it is about learning to dance in the rain."
Well this past year or so has been plagued with many storms. There are days where the thunder and lightning doesn't seem to end. Where the skies are dark and ominous. Where the overwhelming storm overshadows the light of hope. In truth, there are days when the storm seems to be turning the solid ground I walk upon into mush, so much so that I feel like I am sinking.
These storms come in various forms, in various aspects of my life. Some I feel I am prepared to face while others take me by surprise. You know, the kind of day where you are "caught" without your umbrella and the sky opens up in a torrential rainstorm?
There are many days I have begged for the storm to pass. Or wanted to run and hide from the storm. And then there are days I face that storm head on with all the passionate vigour I have......not allowing that storm to bring me to my knees. Instead, finding the strength inside myself to face the storm.
Well either way, fight or run from the storm....I am now feeling drawn to that prospect of learning to dance in the rain! What an amazing concept....to not fight, not run....but instead put on my finest boots (the pair I have worn so frequently the last couple years) and dance in the rain.
I think back to starting this blog....not having ever heard the quote "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it is about learning to dance in the rain" and that the formulation of this blog was based upon the dance of life. Inviting you, my friends, my family, my readers to join me in the dance of life....which often involves putting on your finest boots and wading through the muck.....and dancing in the rain! Perhaps it isn't a coincidence that this message entered into my inbox. Maybe I needed that reminder to "dance in the rain".....to come back to that place in the dance of life where my spirit can be filled, not hidden....where I can truly experience all that life has to offer, even the storms, without running or fighting.
So join me again my friends......and dance in the rain with me! And on a stormy day like today, whether the weather is matching your journey or whether you are seeing the light of hope....put on your finest pair of boots and dance with me through the storm towards that light of HOPE!
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