The Value of A Moment in Time...
Time...the Collins dictionary defines time in 75 different ways...perhaps that is why we often refer to time as "immeasurable". Looking at the concrete definition we can understand that time is measured in many different ways ~ seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and so on...but looking at the complexity of time we can understand that time is so vast and encompasses so many facets that it is... immeasurable.
This weekend the concept of time was a dominant theme for me. Through the movies I watched ~ "Click" and "The Lake House", to the sermon at the church I attended, to the songs playing on the radio and then of course my own personal connection to time. How could I not attempt to post my thoughts on the value of a moment in time...
Sunday morning sitting amongst a small congregation of diverse people who had chosen to spend some moments in time together just by their presence in the quaint building of worship, I heard once again those wise words that we often hear, but never fully realize the depth of their meaning with enough understanding that we would alter our lives as a result until we face losing those moments....
"We never realize the value of a moment in time while we are living in it, until we are faced with the possibility of not having those moments in time".
As I sat in that moment of time, I listened carefully, taking in each word and connecting with the depth of that statement. Thoughts on time flooded my mind and continued to do so for the rest of the day...even now as I sit here today I can't get the thought out of my mind...the value of a moment in time...
I watched two movies with very different themes on their demonstration of the value of time this weekend. In the movie "Click" the main character is given the opportunity to alter fast forward, rewind, pause, change how the moments are viewed.... While watching it, I couldn't help but wonder how many people, if given the opportunity, would choose to take advantage of the ability to alter time. And by altering time would it not affect the value of those moments? In the movie "The Lake House" the two main characters are separated by time...although connected despite that separation in time. The story evolves through bridging that span of time and somehow bringing the two people together into the same moment in time. Of course in order for that to be a possibility, as demonstrated in the movie, a significant moment in time must be altered. And again, I ask the question, does that not affect the value of that moment?
While watching the movie and imagining yourself playing out the roles you begin to question...what choice would you make...would you choose to alter time and therefore possibly influence its value...or would the value of the moment not be changed by your choice to alter it.
Over the last several months I have felt a deep connection to the value of time. Several months ago I heard my optometrist speak the words that would forever affect my view on the value of my ability to see the world. That life altering moment has affected how I have seen the value in each and every moment I have experienced since...what if I am never given the opportunity to see that moment, that moment carries so much more value ~ knowing I may never see it again.
I question why it takes a life altering or moment reducing experience to affect our ability to see the value of a moment in time... Why do we seem to hurry about our day going through our rote daily routine...not fully experiencing the moment, instead just trying to get through the moment so we can get another thing done. So often I will hear myself and others speak the words "there is never enough time in a day"... Reflecting on that statement my response is ~ if there is never enough time in our day, in our lifetime...then make sure the moments you are given really count! So my you dance through this journey of life...may each and every moment be a blessing filled with significant value because there is no greater gift than the gift of time! I treasure each and every moment with you you lots!