Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Proud Mom

As June came to a close this year, so too did my son's journey within the public school system. The month of June ended with my son's graduation dinner and dance last Friday. I, like many other proud parents, was blessed with the opportunity to celebrate with my son on this special day. As I wandered about the room during the parent's reception observing all the graduates my heart was filled with mixed emotions. I recalled that first day of kindergarten as we sent our precious little ones off on a pathway that would be a significant part of their life's journey for the next thirteen years. The time has flown by and those young children are no longer little anymore. They have grown in ways beyond measure and have developed into fine young adults. The cute little "first day of school outfits" and the "deer caught in the headlights" expressions were replaced with "grown up finery" and confident expressions as our graduates celebrated the bonds that grew, their years together and their accomplishment at "surviving" the public school system.

I look at my own son.....he has grown up so much....the potential to be the fine leader I always knew he would be has been realized as I reflect upon his years in school. The years weren't always easy for him, and like most experienced, peer pressure at times weighed heavy, so too did the struggles within a system that isn't always a "perfect fit" compounded by life's many twists and turns in itself. But through it all Jeff stayed true to himself....his true sense of character. That in itself is not a quality to be taken lightly. He has always lived his life being who he was created to be and I envy that....even in times where that person wasn't always congruent to his peers, he didn't sway from his own sense of beliefs and convictions in how he should live his life.

I sit here a very proud mother and yes a mother who knows that she has done the best job she possibly could. Jeff is one of the greatest blessings in my life and we have in many ways grown up together. I treasure and value the incredible bond we have with one another, the way we can talk and share in life's journey. How I can see our similarities and respect our differences.

The world is full of many possibilities for Jeff and I know that whatever he chooses to do with his life he will succeed at. I anticipate many blessings combined with life's valuable learning opportunities through struggles. As Jeff enters into the world of "adulthood" and begins to spread his wings I look on with pride in my heart and tears of joy and sadness....tears of joy at knowing that life holds many things for Jeff yet to discover and joy that he has developed an incredible set of skills that will help him on life's journey. Tears of joy at knowing that in part I was an influence, actually a significant influence, on who he is today and I am blessed by our deep connection, one that with joy I can say will always be there. Then there are the tears of sadness that my little boy isn't so little more can "mommy's kiss" take away the worries of the world, no more can I protect him and yes, he has developed enough that he doesn't need me so much anymore....he doesn't need to be kept under the fold of my wings ~ he has his own wings now so that he can fly.

So son.....soar high with those wings. Reach for all your dreams. Live each day to the fullest and always know that I love you beyond measure and no matter what I will always be proud of you!


At July 04, 2007 7:49 PM, Blogger daringtowrite said...

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At July 04, 2007 7:57 PM, Blogger daringtowrite said...

Hi Angela,

A message from Cheryl reminded me that it had been a while since I'd been back here.

Good to find you blogging on through the ups and downs, challenges and joys of the past several months.

Great to hear your news!!


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