As is frequently the case when I write a blog entry, I did an internet search for a quote in relation to the topic of my entry ~ friendship. I found many quotes and a few tugged at my "heart strings" and instead of incorporating them into the body of my entry I will just list the favourites I found so that the depth of my entry can stand on its own.
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meaning that a new world is born" ~ Anais Nin
Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world" ~ John Evelyn
A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world" ~ Leo Buscaglia
The language of friendship is not words but meanings" ~ Henry David Thoreau
True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation" ~ George Washington
Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence" ~ Sydney Smith
Good friends are like stars...you don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your friend will be there.
And finally, the quote that has the greatest significance in relation to my personal journey....
"True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes."
When I reflect back upon the past year or so, I see a journey that has been filled with many changes and challenges.....as well as being filled with many blessings. I am truly blessed in many ways....most especially by the gift of true friendship with some very amazing people (yes, I am using that amazing word because you are amazing ~ don't roll your eyes at me!) My ability to travel through my journey has been enriched by the presence of friendship....sure, many would say I'd make it anyway....I'd do it anyway....because of who I am.....but in truth, I am not so sure....there have been many times friendship has "carried" me when I couldn't "walk" on my own.
I have been truly blessed with the gift of friends who....
~ hold my hand when I need it held
~ listen when I need to share
~ give me a shoulder to cry on
~ hold me in an embrace that helps make the pain more tolerable
~ give me strength when I can't find it myself
~ laugh with me, cry with me and share with me
~ drop off special care packages when I need a "pick me up"
~ be patient with me when I need time
~ understand me and when they can't, they accept me anyway
~ share their "words of wisdom" with me
~ lend a helping hand when I need it....most especially offering rides for myself of the children when my eyes are acting up
~ show genuine concern
~ treat me as a member of their family
~ spending an hour or two or more just hanging out with me when I need the presence of another person
~ celebrate life's blessings with me
~ process life's endings with me
~ find that "perfect" quote, gift, memento that will "speak volumes" to the essence of who I am
~ are my eyes when I struggle to see
~ love me as I am in this moment.......
I could create an endless list of blessings that come into my life as a result of friendship. Because I am truly blessed beyond measure. I am so thankful for the amazing gift of friendship in my life.
The final quote in my list of quotes ~ "True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes" carries such significant meaning for me in light of my visual struggles this past year. It is hard to believe it has been almost a year since I heard the words "you are facing blindness".....the day the way I saw the world changed forever. No longer will I take for granted the ability to see with the eyes......and the ability to experience the world through the heart, because for as long as I am alive, regardless of what vision I have, I know I will always be able to experience the world through my heart. My journey of connecting with the essence of who I am.....the heart of my being.....became that much more significant.....because in order for that heart to be where my purest form of vision comes from I needed to truly understand that heart. Many friends have shared that journey with me.....the journey of finding the essence of self.....the heart of my being......and have played roles so significant in my life that they cannot be justly put into words.......the best way to say it is ~ the heart of who I am will be eternally grateful for the many blessings of friendship I have in my life......I see the value of true friendship like I have never visualized it before.
Thank you my amazing friends.....I love you!
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