Answers....or more questions....

For those who have been reading my blog the past week or so, you know that I have faced significant struggles with my eyes. Perhaps, the greatest struggles I have faced so far.
Yesterday I went to the specialist for my "progress" check. The appointment went as I expected.....
My left eye (the transplant eye) has not changed at all. There is no improvement in vision still. I must admit that I am very frustrated by this lack of progress....but I have to remember healing doesn't always come in "my time". I was thankful that they didn't ask me to see the letter "E" on the wall......not quite the intense feeling of failure this time around.
As for my right eye, my good eye, it has been acting up for the last 11 days now. I made sure to inform them of the significance of this round of "acting up". They did a thorough check of both eyes and as I expected my right eye is not looking healthy at all. It is literally filled with blood vessels right now (not a good thing). The specialist has put me on oral steroids and has switched my drops for that eye to be the same as my left eye (from 0.1% to 1%). Hopefully this will settle the vessels...because the outcome otherwise could very likely be loss of vision completely in that eye.
As I read back through my previous posts and think about this episode of acting up....I am faced yet again with the brutal reality that Helen Keller speaks of....experience life through your senses as if it may be the last time you are doing so. What a humbling thought......
For now....I will continue to faithfully do my drops, take care of myself (mentally, physically and emotionally) and will remain positive in my thoughts. That is all I can do....the rest is up to a power far greater than you or I.
Blessings your life for today.....embrace the richness of it!
Each time I visit your blog I am challenged to consider my hope, my faith and the heart of my heart.
May your "good" eye get better and your "new" eye be well.
5 years ago I was given the miracle of a pace maker for my temperamental heart. It was a life changing event. I felt "healed" and like I had been given a second chance. I don't know what my life would be like if I didn't get the technology I needed. I am reminded to slow down, reflect on my creator and how fragile life really can be.
God Bless
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