May You Be Blessed......

A dear friend of mine sent me this beautiful link ~ may you be blessed. I am not usually one to "pass on" these types of links and messages....but this one really touched my heart and I am sure it will touch your's.
For the most part I choose to live my life as recognizing each moment as a opportunity and a gift. Sure there are days that I struggle to do so. I think that is what makes me "human"! And during those days where I am facing my greatest struggles.....I am touched by the greatest blessings ~ you! It is you, my wonderful friends, who love me unconditionally, support me (even if you don't always agree with me), hold my hand and offer guidance when I need it, who offer a listening ear, who reach out with wonderful loving gestures and who bless my life immensely by your presence in it.....and most of all you give me hope when I can't find it myself.
Thank you my wonderful friends for blessing my life with love, hope and friendship ~ may you all know that you are an incredible blessing in my life and I love you very much! :)
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