The Pathway of Life....

I was at a friend's place for dinner last night (Sunday) and he showed me one of his latest purchases.....a framed picture of a wooden pathway, somewhat similar to the one pictured above. He shared with me that when many people look at the picture they feel alone....but when he looks at the picture it brings him peace....a sense of knowing that the path, how ever it may twist and turn has been traveled before. That he isn't alone in facing his journey....
It is interesting how we can look at the same thing and see, experience and feel something completely different than the person beside us. Our own experiences, thoughts, feelings and pathways on our journey lead us to "filter" things on a very individual level. It is our vision from within the root of our being that determines what we see and feel. Tonight as I write this, I am thinking about the wonderful words of support that were spoken to me by someone very special on the day I learned of my transplant surgery. The vision that comes from deeper within.....the heart, soul and mind are defining what your true vision is. Vision is far greater than "eyesight".
Tonight as I reflect upon my own journey of traveling on this winding and twisted pathway that appears to have many unclear destinations in sight, I think about the difference of sight and vision. I cannot see the destination in sight...there is no clear "external picture" but within myself I have a clear vision of my destination. I can see so clearly what my intentions are. Although it may be a little unclear how I will get there, I know that as long as I honour myself ~ my heart, my mind and my spirit I will arrive at my destination. As I travel towards this destination, new destinations will come up....I may branch off on the pathway in a different direction....something completely unexpected may influence my journey. There will be many "destinations" along my journey as I travel my pathway.....and in the end when I reach my final destination and take my last breath I will hopefully be able to say that I fully embraced the journey, the blessings of each moment and that the many destinations along the way have made me the person I am.....that I will be a person who is true to self, who is healthy and is completely aligned in mind, body, spirit and heart.....that I will be able to experience the purest form of joy that can only come when one truly loves themselves and feels worthy from within.
As you travel your own pathway, may you remember that although you will often not see where it goes or how to get where you want to go with ease that when you look deep within you will find the clarity you need.....and that the journey of traveling your pathway of life, however the experience may be in each moment, is truly worth fully experiencing.
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