Moving Forward.....

"Getting over a painful experience is
much like crossing monkeybars.
You have to let go at some point
in order to move forward."
~ Anonymous
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So many times we cling to the known regardless of how challenging and painful it may be. We live in the fear of letting go because the known brings with it a predictability that isn't possible when letting go and moving forward. There is no possible way to predict what the future holds...what the path of moving forward may entail. In order to be healthy we need to let go....we need to face our fears and acknowledge and release our pain. It is when that happens that we are able to be all that we are created to be.
I choose to face my fears, release my pain and move forward in my life in order to be healthy. I will honour myself and live in a place of acceptance and truth from within order to live the healthy life that I have been blessed with the opportunity to embrace.
The one thing about the future that you can know... is you will be OK. You are not your eyes. You are a composition of the choices you make.
You are in charge of one thing in your future - the one thing you have control over - your attitude.
Go, fight, win!
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