A Different Perspective

Parenting a gifted child with one of the most unique personalities that has ever touched my life can bring with it a multitude of emotions and experiences...from confusion, frustration, joy, laughter, sadness and above all a different vision on the world.
My 14 year old son while getting his breakfast this morning while I am unloading the dishwasher says to me ~ completely out of the blue and context of the situation, as is his nature, the following conversation:
Dylan: Sometimes however hard they try pigs can't fly.
Me: But Dylan pigs don't fly....
Dylan: Well if Farmer Joe was relocating his farm from Brazil to New Zealand he would take all his animals with him, including the pigs who are named Ben and Harry! (meaning of course that the pigs would go on an airplane with Farmer Joe)
How does one respond to such a dialogue or conundrum presented other than with a big *grin* and that warm feeling in your heart that comes from the pure joy of knowing that the world can be seen through a different perspective at any point in time.
What I wouldn't give to get into Dylan's brain....to follow his thought process and patterns...his vision, how he sees the world. How he does so in a way that seems so completely out of context, yet hits you in a deep way.
So what is the deeper message I got from my moments with Dylan this morning ~ that no matter how impossible or improbable things may seem that there is usually a way to make it possible. We spend so much of our time questioning whether something is possible that we miss seeing things from a different perspective. To see that although pigs don't have wings ~ they can fly. It is that belief and ability to see things from a different perspective that will open up many doors of opportunity and possibility for us......my friends ~ open your eyes, mind and heart to a new perspective.
My 14 year old son while getting his breakfast this morning while I am unloading the dishwasher says to me ~ completely out of the blue and context of the situation, as is his nature, the following conversation:
Dylan: Sometimes however hard they try pigs can't fly.
Me: But Dylan pigs don't fly....
Dylan: Well if Farmer Joe was relocating his farm from Brazil to New Zealand he would take all his animals with him, including the pigs who are named Ben and Harry! (meaning of course that the pigs would go on an airplane with Farmer Joe)
How does one respond to such a dialogue or conundrum presented other than with a big *grin* and that warm feeling in your heart that comes from the pure joy of knowing that the world can be seen through a different perspective at any point in time.
What I wouldn't give to get into Dylan's brain....to follow his thought process and patterns...his vision, how he sees the world. How he does so in a way that seems so completely out of context, yet hits you in a deep way.
So what is the deeper message I got from my moments with Dylan this morning ~ that no matter how impossible or improbable things may seem that there is usually a way to make it possible. We spend so much of our time questioning whether something is possible that we miss seeing things from a different perspective. To see that although pigs don't have wings ~ they can fly. It is that belief and ability to see things from a different perspective that will open up many doors of opportunity and possibility for us......my friends ~ open your eyes, mind and heart to a new perspective.
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