Living Real Life....

"And in the end, it's not the years
in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."
~ Abraham Lincoln
It has been ten days since my fingers last tapped out my thoughts in this venue. Is that because I have been void of thoughts to share, words to, it is because I have been life.
This particular blog topic has been on my mind since my last entry. The seeds of it began with a conversation I had with a very special friend who shared with me what her roommate had said to her ~ "you surround yourself by people who have so much drama in their lives". My response to that one came much more swiftly than I would have anticipated, considering I am one of those who apparently has drama in my life (perhaps my new label would be a drama queen....forget the lionness...the "Queen of the Jungle"!) My belief is that what appears to be drama is in fact LIFE! Yes, the people whom my friend's roommate referred to are all living life.
Drama to me, is something that is created....roles taken on, superficially based on real life, ever evolving in a place of pretend....something designed to suit the observers. To perhaps make the observer feel the gamut of emotions and experience a variety of thoughts as they connect to it...but all done with the intention of creating such an effect.
As you do when observing drama (a play in the theatre, a movie, a tv show etc.) ~ when you observe my life, you will perhaps feel the gamut of emotions and experience many different thoughts....but through your own lens, your own perception....not because I have any intention of creating an effect on your life. I am simply living....and what you observe you will take in through your own personal life experiences and views...or perhaps you will think and feel nothing at all. The "observer" next to you is likely thinking and feeling something completely different. This happens when observing drama or living life because we cannot separate ourselves from the depth of who we are. The difference being that drama is created to make you think and feel.....I am not creating my life to make you think and feel....I am simply living, and if you connect to me through my living life, however you may do so, then I am blessed by your presence in it.
The more "drama" I appear to have in my life the more I believe I am living. What looks like drama to the observer seems to be someone who is experiencing many things in their life....a lot of different emotions, they have many pieces in their puzzle, there seems to always be something "going on", they appear to be facing many challenges (balanced with that many blessings as well) and there always seems to be something to "talk about" with regards to their life. Hmm....well that sounds a lot like making the most out of every moment we are blessed with...making sure there is a lot of life in their years. In order to truly live, to truly experience life you need to experience....REALLY EXPERIENCE...each moment. As there are many moments in our lifetime (although always too they are very precious) you will experience a complex variety of emotions and "life experiences"'s happenings!
"The personal life deeply lived
always expands into
truths beyond itself."
~ Anais Nin
So if drama is what is going on in my life.....well then perhaps I should just start charging admission to all you wonderful people who touch my life. But since I believe I am just living....not creating drama.....I'll say instead ~ join me in this experience of life....because it truly is worth the "drama" it creates!
Love you "fellow actors / actresses" in this journey of life.
Live, love, laugh....experience, connect....make your moments count!
"Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments.
Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole.
Life is a succession of such moments and
to live each, is to succeed."
~ Corita Kent
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