Life's Many "Hats"....

"I feel like I am wearing 100 hats....each one representing a piece of as overwhelming as they may feel, I don't know which ones to let go."
Speaking those words to my friend yesterday made me think of the book "Caps for Sale" by Esphyr Slobodkina. This book is about a peddler who sells caps and carries his wares on top of his head. In order to do so, he has to travel ever so carefully so as not to upset his caps. It makes me think of the "balancing" act required when wearing so many hats at once.
Yesterday the overwhelming feeling from balancing so many "hats" was dominant for me. I was struggling to find clarity regarding which "hats" to keep on top of my head....keep most present in my life at this moment in time. Each hat represents a certain aspect or relationship in my life and in many ways are equally important. So how can I put a hat on the "hat rack" or the "shelf" without feeling like I am giving up a piece of myself? Yet, there is no possible way I can wear all the hats at is just way too challenging to do so.
As I sit here tonight reflecting on the many hats in my life and what each one brings into my each one is unique and serves a special purpose in my life....I feel blessed to have so many hats to enrich my life, while at the same time feeling overwhelmed by the "balancing" they require. Some hats bring fun and laughter, some provide safety, some provide comfort, some add colour into my life, some are intriguing, some are challenging and don't always "fit" right, some provide shelter, some are "plain" and predictable, others are flamboyant and ever changing....and many are a balance of several qualities.
The "hats" in my life make life interesting....they provide enrichment in my journey, even if they are challenging to wear at times....because each one offers a different perspective and opportunity for learning and experiencing life and for expression.
Some of the hats in my life are very new, while others are worn....some have served their purpose in my life and are no longer as present in my life (perhaps even put on the shelf in a special keepsake box)....some I will always require....and some I have yet to discover their purpose. Regardless of the role each of my "100 hats" plays in my life....I know that they all are placed upon my head for a reason and when their natural time in my life is complete they will be placed upon the shelf, yet never completely forgotten....because they will forever be a part of the essence of who I am.
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