Strength of the Heart

I had an amazing workout last night with my dear friend...yes, sweetie...I can FEEL it today! ;-)
I always love working out with someone who has a clearer understanding of the body...last night's lesson's focus (in relation to physical fitness) was on opposing muscles. My friend said to me "you need to work the opposing muscle, by doing so both muscles will be stronger". I came home feeling the wonderful affects of a great workout and began to ponder that statement...yes, me...can't just take it as it is but I have to dig through it deeper...where is that "off button". So my question is....
What is the opposing muscle of the heart?
Today, especially, every ounce of my being desires the answer to that question. So I asked a few people...and the answer they came up with is the one that comes to my own mind...the mind. But the mind isn't a muscle.... So I googled my question...and found no answer there (I thought you could get an answer for anything on google).
Today my heart is feeling very weak and my mind is on overdrive... Is a mind on overdrive a sign of strength or weakness? Because if there is a correlation between the strength of the mind and heart and if overdrive is a sign of strength my heart should feel stronger. Instead, I feel like every ounce of strength has been depleted from my heart... My weak heart aches for strength and it feels so full of love for others (perhaps that is the small piece of strength left)...but is so void of love for self. Is it that loss of love for self that makes the heart weak or is it the weak heart that makes us feel the loss of love for self?
As we dance, and sometimes fumble, through this journey many of us focus our energy on building a strong and healthy mind, body and spirit...where does the strong heart fall within those areas of focus? Perhaps the heart's strength comes from all three... a strong mind, body and spirit. So, maybe the heart is so complex that there truly is no opposing muscle for it...but if there is, and you know what it is, please share it with me and I'll do some work on building it! Because this weak heart is aching for strength...
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