The Seasons of Life

It is one of those magnificent autumn days today…the air is crisp, the sun is shining and you can almost feel the transformation occurring. It is one of my favourite times of year. I love the sight of the leaves changing and looking at their amazing rainbow of warm colours. Then there is the sound of the leaves crunching as you walk through them and the sound of preparations for the cooler temperatures and shorter days as we welcome autumn and say goodbye to the long, hot days of summer. There is a distinct smell in the air at this time of year…you can almost smell the changes occurring…the smell of the crisp air that greets you the moment you step out your door to embrace the beauty of autumn.
My close friend and I often talk about how our lives and phases in it mirror the seasons of the year. Different times of life are often referred to as “seasons of life”. When you look at the annual seasons you see how each one offers up a different purpose and experience.
Autumn is a time of transformation in which change occurs as a natural cycle of life. The trees shed their leaves in preparation for the winter months ahead and as they do so they transform into magnificent colours.
Winter brings with it cooler temperatures and weather that keeps us inside, unless we choose to brave the elements. This time inside becomes a time for connecting and reflecting with one’s self and for bringing family and friends together. Those times are how we make it through the, sometimes dreary, days of winter. Things move so much slower during winter…a time for rest.
Spring brings with it a time of newness and rejuvenation. The environment and people seem to come alive again…this is often referred to as “spring fever”. The colours of everything around us becomes that much brighter…and green, a colour representative of growth, is predominant. New leaves are formed, the grass grows green again and colourful flowers begin to come up from the earth and blossom and the animals have their young to continue the cycle of life.
Summer brings with it heat and longer days that allow us the opportunity to get out and experience life to it’s fullest. Summer is often the time for vacations, relaxation and fun! In summer you can hear the excitement all around you as people take advantage of its opportunities.
So as the seasons represent unique opportunities and experiences, so too does the different phases of our lives. Whether it is a time of transformation and change; reflection, rest and connecting; newness and rejuvenation; or fun and relaxation…each phase of life offers up an experience unique to it. Of course, the seasons of life are much more complex than I have outlined here and experiences and opportunities often overlap (as do the seasons during their time of transition), you will likely find there is one dominant “theme” in whatever phase of life you happen to be in right now. Whatever season you are in right wish for you is that you are making the most out of what it has to offer you and that you are embracing it with the intention to live it to its fullest potential.
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